Jake Palmer

Content marketer

Cowboy Hat Illustration

Austin, TX

Hello, howdy, welcome, and salutations. I’m Jake. Please step into my e-office.

Ripped Paper

Distilling complicated ideas into digestible, enthralling content is my raison d'être (along with my wife, cats, and beer). As a content marketer, I've guided qualified leads through every part of the funnel with careful research, perfect copy, and technical savvy. Let me show you what I can do.

Ripped Paper

Previous Work

I’m well-versed in all kinds of copywriting, from SEO blogs to technical pieces to expert interviews to podcasts and more. Click the buttons below to read a few recent pieces of mine and get a feel for my work.

If you’d like to see more, feel free to reach out via email or LinkedIn.

Technical Explainer

A guide to and technical explainer of NFPA 1600, an emergency preparedness standard for businesses.

3D Neomorphic Dark Oval Debossed

Read it!

SME Interview

A piece on GSOCs featuring material from my interview with a Director of Corporate Security.

3D Neomorphic Dark Oval Debossed

Here, hoss!

Product Launch

A product launch announcement for a new AlertMedia feature.

3D Neomorphic Dark Oval Debossed

Click here!

Downloadable Guide

A downloadable tool to help safety leaders create a comprehensive crisis management plan.

3D Neomorphic Dark Oval Debossed

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